
So I had all intention of posting yesterday but holy moly if ever there were a day that was completely discombobulated and needed to start over, yesterday would have taken the cake. I did get both my morning and evening workout in yesterday though.

Today, I apparently turned off my alarm in my sleep and slept until 6:30 which meant that there was zero time for any kind of workout or yoga..in my defense I did sleep like crap and kept waking up. Plus I had a stressful day at work, and school turned out to be a cluster and I was just so jittery and stressed out that Im guessing thats why. I also have to remember that even though i am loving the dropped weight and the more muscle tone that is starting to show, this year is focused on HEALTH... not weightloss. That is just a perk. And I need to keep reminding myself that on days like this when I do sleep in unintentionally, my body is probably telling me that it needed that extra 30 min of sleep. Usually I can get right up at 6 and be fine and awake..so apparently my body needed the rest.

One thing I am learning about myself is how much old programming I have. For years it been about getting skinny as fast as possible using whatever means to do so, and now trying to re-wire my brain to take a slow approach to eating right, eating enough, not killing myself over exercises and focusing on my overall health is hard to keep the right mindset.

So I was thinking last night... ok... so since I am focusing on my health... what exactly does that mean? "My Health" is a fairly broad term... and so I tried to break it down so I could get a little more intimate with my plan for the next year.

I was able to break it down into dental health, weight health, cardiovascular health, respiratory health, muscular health and spiritual health. I know this is not all encompasing but it seemed a good start because most of my issues I feel needs to be worked on fall into these categories.

Dental is obvious.... but I am trying to be more diligent in doing a good job... weight health, well I do want to be at a healthy weight and at a wieght where I feel confident and comfortable...cardio health, I need my endurance back LOL...respiratory health, I have always had sinus issues and I am hoping to take the next year to see if I cant figure out what I need to do to either raise my immune system or just to help it work better in general... muscular health, I want my muscle tone back not only to look good (perk!) but to get my strength back - and my spiritual health, I have discovered the need to start my day for me and to get my prayers in and to be able to have that quiet time.

So far I am one month in and its going well. I think that I need to go to bed earlier though :)


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