One Month

So I realized last night that I've been at it for a month already. Here is what has changed in a month:

  • I've lost 6 pounds
  • I am sleeping better
  • Nothing pops or creaks when I get out of bed
  • I can GET out of bed instead of rolling
  • I have not had any packaged food or wheat
  • I have a lot more energy during the day (minus period week, but even that was better than normal)
  • My yoga routine and my pilates routines are now too easy
I broke 140 this morning at 139! I am thrilled. I also had to change up my workouts... now Ive upped my program to a new one called belly, butt and thighs which uses hand weights and they are only 15 min long for 3 weeks. I chose to only do the 15 min routines for 3 weeks because I know myself and usually I just dive in gung-ho and then kill myself after a week and then get too sore and sick. So I am taking it slow, especially since it is involving weights. Then every night I will replace my pilates with at least 1 mile on the elliptical. I know I am able to do 3 just fine, but if there are nights that I am just really done for the day, a 6 minute mile is at least something. 

I did my  new BBT workout this morning and it is so funny how you think am I feeling anything? Is this doing anything? And then you go take a shower and get out and by the time you get to work it is very apparent that you lifted some weights this mornign. I wouldnt say I'm sore, but dang I feel like I worked out. I was sweating in the 1st 5 min of it! I think it is a good start. Its challenging but not so hard it will incapacitate me. I want to be able to keep my body going 6 days a week not do one huge workout and then die for 3 days and not be able to walk. From all the weightloss blogs I've read where people have been able to have phenominal results, the greatest takeaway I got was slow and steady wins the race. Push yourself, but not to the point of utter exaustion (like i used to). 

I also have to keep in mind that my goal is not weightloss in itself. It is health. The weight will come off as i get healthier and make good choices, but I cant focus on the number. I also have to rememebr that this goal is a year long. One I realized that I had finished a month.. it kind of hit me that wow.. I still have 11 more months. (BUT I WANT RESULTS NOW!) <--- That is my old programming talking. My new programming is trying to say I AM seeing results now and just sticking to it is a big feat in itself and no one is forcing me to! That is saying somehting right there. 

So I am celebrating my 139 victory AND my moving on to a more challenging program. Its a good day.


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