
136.5 baby! Now I know I said that I am not focusing on my weight as the priority for the next year, but when you start exercising and eating correctly it is so amazing how your body starts fixing itself and getting back to a normal weight. I have always "normalized" at 125 and 130. It is exciting to not only get rid of my muffin top and to be able to stop using the pregnancy rubber band trick on my jeans, but also to be able to bend over without hurting or a spare tire getting in the way (not that it was that big, but I sure did notice the difference and couldnt imagine how hard life in general would be if it was any bigger!) So whatever weight I end up with, as long as I have muscle tone, endurance and feel healthy then I'm happy - but it is nice to celebrate a weight loss too.

Speaking of endurance, I can feel myself getting stronger. I did the elliptical last night and was able to get through 2 miles on a difficulty level of 9 out of 15 at 10mph, and then one mile cool down at 11difficulty at 6mph. Its exciting to be getting stronger. Even sex is better because I can actually move and nothing is creaky and hurting. (Sorry TMI, but its exciting to notice changes in things you just take for granted.)

I have to go get my hair trimmed at some point before the memorial service next week. I love my short hair but it grows so dang quick that maintenance is constant.

Today I woke up at 6:40... usually I'm already out of the shower by then... oops. But I did take 10 min to do a modified stretch routine which helped... didnt really get my quiet time but both my babies got up about 10 min before I left for work so I got to squeeze them which was nice <3 is going to be a productive day. I am working on two character traits this year: being intentional in everything I do and say (harder than it seems), and discipline in everything I do and say I am going to do. That means trying to get this into my work day too. Wish me luck!


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