Feeling blessed today

Today I woke up (or rather my kitten Petey woke up) at 6am... I have a choice to make in the mornigns... I can get up at 6, have a 30 min workout/yoga session, wake up at 6 and have 15 min to dink around before my yoga, or wake up at 6:15 and do 15 min of yoga. Today, it was raining HARD. I could hear it outside the window and on the skylight in the bathroom. And I was so cozy. Hubs had curled up next to me, Petey was balled up in my neck, and I just layed there for 15 minutes just listening to the rain thinking how lucky I am to have been blessed with so much. That I CAN lay in a warm bed with a husband who loves me while listening to the rain before I have to get up to a job that pays me to be there. So blessed.

So I did get up at 6:15 and yoga'd and did my normal routine. It is so nice having that time in the morning. I was thinking this morning that this time before work is really the only "me time" I get. I am with people all day at work and am at the bidding of others there, then after work I am with my family and am doing their bidding as well and the only time in the evenings I have to myself is when I get in bed. But I pass out halfway through prayers most days so it doesn't count lol. Dont get me wrong, I love my coworkers and of course my family. But to wake up when the house is quiet and its just me and God and my cats... that is the most relaxing part of my day even though I am trying to wake up. Just the quiet and being able to hear the rain.

Today I am very thankful for a lot of things... although one random item stood out this morning: Clean Towels. I LOVE CLEAN TOWELS. There is just something about being able to pull a couple off the shelf that smell like laundry and faintly of bleach... I'm weird..but I love it.


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