This week can end already.

I am not looking forward to this week. There is so much going on at work and at home that I will be relying heavily on God to get me through. I had thought to start a goal of going to bed every night this week at 10:30 so I can catch up on sleep (im exhausted)... but it looks like that just got chucked out the window in favor of copious amounts of caffeine. :(

On a good note, I was able to run my grocery store errands on my way into work, which freed up my lunch break to get my paper written. I had been feeling a little run down and lazy last week, so I kind of procrastinated on my school so today I am reaping the rewards... But I am being productive today and I think I wrote out a schedule that will work. One thing that helped is that when I wrote it down I realized that not all of it has to be done today. I think I get overwhelmed by everything and feeling like it all has to be done RIGHT NOW... but in reality if I assign it a day and a time slot, then it has a place and I dont have to think about it until then. 

I hit 137.5 over the weekend and have fluctuated back and forth between that and 139... no biggie. AI kept working out rather light since Friday, just was tired. But I still did something. And I'll say it again, the hardest thing for me to overcome is that I am taking a year to do this so I cant expect immediate results. Plus I am finished with the exercise module that I was doing so my routine was a little displaced. I have remedied that as of tonight.

This week is way too busy for its own good and its not anything I can delegate. Tonight I get home and have to directly start making nutella rice krispies, feed the family (leftovers!), go to a friends house for Family Home Evening, get back, get the kids to bed, make sure my team for school got thier crap submitted and then work out. Im not going to be sitting down until about 11:30 at the earliest I think. 

I am taking right now (15 min) to get this post in to just get this off my list and off my mind and sometimes it just helps to take a break. In between work projects, I got the last four of my discussion questions for school done, I paid all my bills and I had already gone to Winco... so thats already 3 things off my list today. 

Wish me luck - I just want to crawl in bed and not talk to anyone this week.


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