Hitchin back up

So I'm on my last day of antibiotics and because its Monday, I started back up on my schedule. I only took a week off for UTI recovery, but man it feel like 6 months. So of course I woke up at 6 with intentions of doing a half hour of pilates, and ended up getting up at 6:20 and doing a 15 min Raquel Welch... what would I do without her?? Its so relaxing and really it felt good to just streeeettttccchhhh. Apparantly I slept in the tightest ball possible on my neck and clenched my jaw all night...which became very apparent when I started the initial yoga pose. I had a huge headache but after 15 min of Raquel it subsided completely.

SO tonight! Pilates is starting back up :) I have done pretty well this week maintaining 138 (even with some chocolate chip cookie dough involved..oh and some swedish fish.) I can say that I love not having love handles in my clothes anymore.

Ive decided I like getting my nails done too. I got the usual french gel manicure because the french nails look so polished and go with everything.. and the gel lasts FOREVER. And I dont get them done all the time, my nails grow out all at once sometimes and I want them to last lol. Plus next week I'll be going to a memorial and a few more formal events and why not?

So on hubbys recommendation I started my day out with hot water mixed with apple cider vinegar, a lemon slice, a lime slice and a slice of ginger root. It tasted pretty good and was actually really refreshing. Not sure what its supposed to do, apparently its supposed to wake your body up and get your digestion going? Not sure. But I'll keep doing it - it was tasty. Maybe I'll put a little cayenne in there tomorrow to get my blood moving.

I am so stinkin happy last week is over. It was stressful in that there was a lot to do as it was, then add a UTI to it and you may as well have just kicked me while I'm down. This week feels a little stressful, but not like last week. I fly out next week for the memorial so I have to get that prepared and tomorrow we're having our pumpkin carving party. We've been busy every Saturday that its been sunny, and every other day its monsooned, so the kiddos decided to get those tiny little pumpkins from the store and are going to make a miniature pumpkin family. We are going to our churches trunk or treat on Saturday, and usually we dont ever go door to door on Halloween mainly because two days of Halloween is too much and the kids make bank with the candy they get from the trunk or treat because everyone hits all the cars about 5 times.

I dont feel like working today but thats alright. I know I'll be fine and productive. I am hoping that it is just me today. I love the days where its just me because I can turn up my music and just power through stuff.

Oh - and I thought I would start doing weekly goals, the usual stuff then adding one new one each week. So here is this weeks goals:

1) Yoga or pilates at 6am every day
2) Some sort of workout in the evening Mon-Sat
3) Brush teeth before bed every night (this happens most nights..last night I passed out before I could think about it.)
4) Coconut oil pulling in the shower
5) More hugs to my kiddos


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