Listening to my body

One thing that is new for me with this whole lifestyle change is really listening to my body and then actually giving it what it needs. For the past week I have been going to bed way later than I should and then 6am comes REALLY early. I still am doign my normal schedule and two workouts a day. But this mornig I started feleing my body saying you need to not go gung ho this morning. So I did a Raquel Welch stretch video and am I glad I did. I dont think I would have had teh energy this mornig to actually do a workout or any intensity, not to mention I really powered throuh my glutes last night. I just felt my body needed a rest and a stretch and I am familiar with this feeeling. The only difference is that in the past I would jsut power thorugh as hard as I could because I felt that if I didnt do my workout and get really sore then I would just ruin the whole plan. But I think now because I have the mindset of health as a priority, I feel that it is really important to take that rest. I still got up and did yoga, but it was low impact, slow and some much needed muscle release after this weeks workout program and elliptical. And I now feel that I know I am going to be able to stay on the side of "not getting sick" because I am getting more in tune with what my body needs in order to work properly. The past normal was I would kill myslef getting sore for a week maybe a week and a half and think I'm doing great and sticking to it! (aside from the fact that I couldnt move I was so sore) But within a week or so I would get a 2 week cold or sinus infection because I would never let my body recover...then it would throw me off my wagon and I either would lose motivation or just stop.

I am liking this going slow thing. I am still seeing results... my husband is seeing results... I am not sick...and I am sore, but its a good sore, not a "I'm dying a thousand deaths dont touch me" sore.

I think this has been a big lesson in part of this "health" thing. Being intune with your body and then actually following through with what it needs.


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