It was a hard morning to get out of bed. But I did it... and I got through my yoga... but I dont feel like it was effective as the other days. But I did it.

I have gone from 145 to 141.5 since Sunday. :D That makes me happy. Here are some of the changes I've made:

1) 20 min light exercise at night (will get harder, but starting slow and building up to it)
2) 15 min yoga in the morning
3) 5 cups green tea daily
4) More water than usual (easier than I thought)
5) Daily multivitamin
6) I cut out ALL refined flour and since I have a wheat allergy anyways it was fairly simple, but I've started substituting my wheat flours with quinoa and spelt. (I dont know how I lived without quinoa.. soooo good!)
7) I cut out most sugar - this one is important - I dont believe in completely depriving yourself, so if I feel like a couple tootsie rolls or a cookie then fine. But I've noticed I dont crave it and half the time I just really dont feel like it anymore and I crave flavor and veggies.
8) I also cut down on my dairy - not completely, but I do know that it was one of the things I would overeat on. (i <3 Cheese)
9) Started pre-making my lunches for work for the week
Not a bad start - now to just get more sleep which is always a battle. So far Im doing pretty well. I am excited to be healthy again. And one thing Ive become aware of is my boredom eating and my tired eating. When I am tired I tend to go to the easy foods that are not that awesome.

So,  day 4 down... 361 to go :)


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