For Reals...

So I did really well the first week, the second week everyone got the flu... so nothing happened.

But now that all has calmed down, I started again yesterday and even two days worth now I feel a difference. I love that doing even the 15 minutes of yoga and stretching and breathing wakes me up and I notice that when I roll out of bed Im not so creaky and sore. I also noticed that my energy levels are maintained all day long - I am not having slumps at 2pm anymore where I just want to curl up under my desk. I also notice that my breathing is easier - not that it was awful, but now its just easier.

I have decided that I have spend so many damn years focusing on looking good.... this year I am focusing on FEELING good. There is some truth to look-good-feel-good... but if inside you feel drained or sluggish... even if you look good you wont look the best you can be. And really, what are looks? I am 31 now, and thrilled about it. It is time I started feeling good and just enjoying me for who God made me to be and I beleive (and have proved even over 5 days of making these tiny changes) that when I truly feel good I can let my light shine brighter than ever.

So this weeks goals:

1) Yoga every morning
2) Scriptures/prayers every morning
3) No black tea (I caved last week when I was sick... and im not excluding it completely..just drinking less than the 15 cups a day I used to have :)
4)Vitamin every morning (or night since I forgot it at home this morning)

Next week I want to add in swishing with coconut oil first thing... see if I can get into that habit... I am really curious to see what happens after 30 days.


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