
Well I made it for one week solid doing what I said I was going to do... and I am pretty sure PMS hormones were trying to thwart my attempts the entire time. And I do beleive that it is also the reason that I went from 140 to 141 overnight and feel like a blimp. YAY for water weight.

I woke up too late to do my 15 min, but I had enough time to do an improvised 10 min and while it took hell and high water to get me OUT of bed... I am glad I did even if it was late.

It is also cold, foggy and I want hash browns and eggs instead of a protein shake... but I am sufficing myself with my protein shake and Im caving and having a cup of orange spice black tea. Its making me happy right now and hopefully getting my eyelids to lift a few more millimeters.

I am looking forward to this weekend. It is general conference weekend in our church which means that the church leaders hold a global television broadcast - which means i dont have to wear pants. (well, I have to at least wear jammy pants... I have kids...) And I think Saturday I'm not going to go anywhere and try and make a dent in a project I am working on. And take a nap. So I am very happy that today is Friday.

Apparently I got to work really early... I just looked at the clock and its only 8:10...usually when Im writing this it is a quarter to nine. Maybe this is promising that something will get done today. I really need it too. I've been so tired this week that I really have been moving slow and my productivity level has been not so good.

Gotta start getting Halloween costumes going... one wants to be batman and the other wants to be a scary sparkle bat. I know exactly what to do with my little sparkly bat - her mother after all was a glamour bat when she was 9 :) I thought I was gorgeous. And thankfully the hardest part of it will be finding a black hoodie that fits her.

Inlaws are coming for Thanksgiving...going to the yearly tradition of Shari's diner for T-day. Never grew up that way but let me tell you what... having someone else do all the cooking and clean up is fairly fantastic. I usually end up making a few pies and green bean casserole anyways just to eat through out the week. So much different than growing up with the formal attire, the formal dining room, the gold plated utensils, fine china and good manners. Now its slide into a booth and decide if you want turkey or a burger and fries. I got to keep my traditional Christmas festivities... and I conceded and let hubs have his way with Thanksgiving. Which is funny because really something like going to Shari's for a holiday is so like his family. SO non formal. But I dont mind - it also gives his poor mom a break from making rolls for 300 family members.

Ok well I may as well get something going. It might just be hashbrowns and eggs.


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