Day 2

I have successfully completed two consecutive days of yoga in the morning. The first day I got up at 6:45 which was  a bit late, I completed a ten minute yoga session and then got to work RIGHT on time. So today, I decided to ease myself into getting up early and got up at 6:30 and did the entire 15 min routine and had plenty of time to shower and even stop by the store for breakfast before work. I like the 15 min yogas because its only 15 min (lol) but really, that is what i am looking for right now. Easy stretches that promote flexibility, but also wake me up. Maybe as i gain flexibility and strength I will move on to harder things, but the realization that I havent moved in 2 years is pretty apparent.

I also have resolved to eating better... Two days in a row I have made clean and healthy choices and this morning I got back on a multi-vitamin. If I am to work all day and then from 6-9 teach and stuff, I need to be at peak performance.

I heard a quote the other day that is going to be my mantra for the next year:

"Radical performance requires radical self care"

The context of the quote was originally for someone doing a triathalon. But I feel this is relevent to anyone doing anything. If you want the best performance out of what you are doing you cant burn yourself out doing it otherwise it (and you) wont last long.

So far the past two days starting with yoga has made me calmer and in a much better mood for the day. I noticed that I also can breathe better and am sitting up a little straighter. I cant wait to see waht a year does for me!


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