My 31 Year

So I have decided to be intentional about my health this year. I sluffed off pretty well the past two years and am ten pounds heavier than I'd like to be and probably not as healthy as I could be... and I have noticed that every year I get more aches and more creakiness and its a "roll" off the bed instead of jumping out... I probably should get myself moving. I remember in massage school they said the number one cause of old age as we know it is lack of flexibility and they gave examples that showed the working western worlds elderly and compared them to the japanese elderly. You rarely have Japanse elderly with humps on thier backs or not being able to walk by themselves because they constantly keep moving through tai chi, yoga, etc... it was a really interesting study. I knwo I am far from being elderly, but I better start now before it gets too late.


Starting tomorrow morning I am going to start these goals at 6am every morning: (and I say GOING to because I always say that I'll try.. I actually want to do this.. so I am going to.)

1) Out of bed at 6am
2) Yoga or Pilates
3) Tea and Scriptures
4) Shower
5) Blog one new thing each day I am grateful for

I have a bad habit of not finishing things my heart really isnt into. Today this sounds like a good idea. I really am determined to hold myself to it. It takes what, 27 days to creat a new habit?? I'm going to try it for a year. By my next birthday I hope to be more flexible, a little lighter, a little stronger and a little calmer.

Wish me luck!


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