Rant. Sorry.

Part of me is irritated already. At people. Particularly a certain person, who shall remain nameless. But my suspiscions have been confirmed and now my opinion of them has now changed to "flaky". Yes I understand that thier life is busy - so is mine. Mine HAS to be scheduled or else nothing gets done because I work full time, am a mom, a wife, Im going to school, doing books on the side, exercising, fulfill a Sunday calling and now teach and prepare a class on a monthly basis - among other things. But it works! BECAUSE I KEEP A CALENDAR. Im my brain there is just no excuse to not know what is happening when or double booking something because you automatically say yes to things. And I know that I cant expect everyone to be me, and I cant expect my habits to be everyone elses habits. But out of respect for other people AND their time, I make sure that what gets planned happens, I do what I say I'm going to do, and I make sure I'm not wasting anyones time. Right now, since I have to be so scheduled, when we make plans or someone wants to do something, I have to basically rearrange my life to accomodate, or if there is a time slot available that works, I have to mentally prepare for ONE MORE THING on my plate. And when people flake out on it? I feel like my precious free time just got flushed down the toilet. That time slot included taking time away from my husband and kids to prepare for you... To me it is an accountability and respect issue. I understand being overwhelmed and busy - but for the love of St. Peter - DO SOMETHING about it. Stop complaining and get your crap together. Rant over.

Ok sorry, I'm irritated, but not having a bad day. I got my yoga and my scriptures and my bible study in and Im having a pretty good day. I would have loved to stay in bed, but as usual, I love love love that quiet in the morning. And I was thinking about it while I was on the couch in between my bible study and prayers, aside from crawling into bed at night, that 30 min in teh morning is the only quiet time I get where there is no music, no talking, no thinking... just enjoying the silence and filling my head with good things. It is different from the quiet in bed... my brain is filled with the days happeneings and thoughts and it is quiet on the outside, but not on the inside. In the mornings, it is like a clean slate.

So forgive me for my rant -I had to get that off my chest. And re-read my chapter in my bible study book which is ON getting irritated with people and feeling offended over little things.

I'll get over it.


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