I dont want to adult today... but I did Pilates!

I think Im recovering. I finally did Pilates again last night... although I think it was out of adrenaline from not sitting down all day rather than having the energy to do it. I've had to be careful this week... I've been so worn down and tired that if I am not careful I know I'll throw myself into a cold or sinus infection. So this weeks goal is to sleep as much as I can while working out, but making sure not to burn myself out. Yesterday was such a go-go-go day that I woke up late today. I need a day to just do nothing at all. Just sleep. I feel like I have a newborn again but I'm not getting woken up all night. And I might be OK if I was getting adequate sleep to wake up at 5am..which is when Petey decides morning happens. But this week is a resounding "hells no".

Plus, my brain is fried. I DO NOT want to adult. I dont want responsibilities, I dont want to think period. There is so much going on in our lives right now that today I am investing in a tablet for my purse in order to keep my brain in electronic form. I tend to short circuit when I dont get enough sleep and a paper to do list doesn't give off alarms or reminders. Not to mention my tablet at home is too big for my purse and the kids use it a lot too. I want something for ME. My laptop was mine, until it wasn't...my tablet was mine until it wasn't... see a pattern here?  Aside from my purse and clothes, I dont have anything that isn't MINE. So I am early Christmas presenting today.

If I dont fall asleep under my desk first. I have had zero down time since last Tuesday and way too many redbulls to compensate. Blahhhhhhhh.

Thankfully I am pretty well caught up at work so I dont have a lot to stress out about..just trying to get rid of this dang headache.


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