Back to real life -but with less caffeine needed

After a no sleep zombie trip and the week after being so dang discombobulated, I took Saturday and did NOTHING. I didnt even put on pants until 2pm. And it was FANTASTIC. I slept until 10, played some games with my kids, read my book, drank a lot of tea (probably too much), and then went out to lunch with the family. I think I have recovered. I feel back to normal and not exhausted anymore. I wonder if half my exhaustion was from being mentally exhausted. 

So back on track this morning! They took Raquel off the internet (Boo.) but my mother is making me a dvd of her old recording. So until then, I put on some relaxing music and did her "monday" routine, which I have memorized. Then I actually was able to get my tea and my kitten and relax into the couch with my scriptures for 20 min. I must say that they are right, the people who wrote the podcast about taking time for yourself in the quiet before everyone else is awake really makes a difference in how my day runs. I know it is only 8:45, but there is a sense or peace and organization that my day will run well. And it is nice. 

I am still hovering around 136, so nothing gained, nothing lost... but I havent done anything routinly for 2 weeks aside from really trying to eat well - which I am proud of myself for. 

Now it is back to work. 


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