Can I get a do-over?

Nothing like getting mind effed from a dream right before you wake up. It was so disturbing that it really has thrown me for a loop today. I had to pray extra hard for focus power today. I got up and just dove into the couch with tea, blanket & cat and just started in on scriptures. No yoga... my brain was too fried to do anything.. and also I was knocking things over right and left so no yoga this morning.

And I jsut seemed to be moving so dang slowly today that I ran out of the house late, but for the grace of good traffic, I made it to work on time. I am reading  a book called Its No Secret...someting about divine truths that every woman must hear. Its good so far and has some good thinking points. I am on the chapter about female competition and how detrimental it is to both parties when you want to emulate another person, but then when you feel that you have gotten to her level we tend to try to exceed her and be better and make her know that she is inferior. Pack mentality maybe. Instead we need to be happy with who God made us to be and have humility in raising others up. This has not always been easy, especially with insecurities of seeing someone prettier than me, or thinner, or what not. Which is funny, mine have never been with skill sets, always physical stuff. But I've learned to love myself over the past 4 years and its gotten much better. I still get envious of the perfect form or a prettier face, but I know that it is better to make friends instead and it has really shown me how when you get past the physical, you meet some really great people!

Ok off to work.


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