Well I made it for one week solid doing what I said I was going to do... and I am pretty sure PMS hormones were trying to thwart my attempts the entire time. And I do beleive that it is also the reason that I went from 140 to 141 overnight and feel like a blimp. YAY for water weight. I woke up too late to do my 15 min, but I had enough time to do an improvised 10 min and while it took hell and high water to get me OUT of bed... I am glad I did even if it was late. It is also cold, foggy and I want hash browns and eggs instead of a protein shake... but I am sufficing myself with my protein shake and Im caving and having a cup of orange spice black tea. Its making me happy right now and hopefully getting my eyelids to lift a few more millimeters. I am looking forward to this weekend. It is general conference weekend in our church which means that the church leaders hold a global television broadcast - which means i dont have to wear pants. (well, I have to at least wear jammy pants...