Im happy tomorrow is Friday

No rant today lol... excpet for the fact that i for some reason was moving really slow this morning. I think my family are all trying to get colds... and DD hit my nose hard enough a couple days ago that its swollen and slightly bruised so my face pain is i think more due to that.. .blowing your nose suuuuucks when you feel like you have a  broken nose.

So its Dec 1 - 24 days until go time. I still have shopping to do, but thankfully not much. I just found the deal I've been looking for for a new comforter for DD, I bought her a duvet cover and now need to get the duvet part of it. 

1) Comforter for DD
2) Dishes for mom
3) Towels for dad
4) Beer for KJ
5) Something for Sis
6) Shoes for HH?

Not too shabby. And thankfully I saved up some gift cards to be able to get the kids duvet covers so it saved a bit of money :)

Monday started back into good habits again.... only did a mile on the elliptical last night htough... energy levels were down due to AF and possibly getting sick. But I did something and upped my resistance too. I am tired today. 

We get our tree on Saturday and the then Christmas season (in my mind) begins!! And then I have permission to bake with reckless abandon! I know I have said when I started I wanted to limit my caffeine intake... yeahhhhhh. I havent been going overboard by any means, but 5 hour energys sure do help in a pinch. I think when my schedule calms down and I can go to bed before 11pm, then perhaps I wont need them that much, not like I do now... but with AF and possibly a cold and not sleeping as much as I need to, I am so thankful for them. And I like them better than redbull. YOu can shoot it and not taste it, its not carbonated and doesnt give you the jitters and the BAM YOUR AWAKE NOW feeling. Its nice and gradual and has no calories so I dont have to have teh extra 150 calories just to wake up.

Ok, off to work.


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