
Starting over. Sigh. Again.

Holidays and company really put a wrench in just starting a goal. I probably should have started in February. So thank you Christmas, family for a month, and 3 weeks of head cold/flu for contributing to gaining back the 10 pounds I lost. So as of yesterday, I started over now with a six month goal since there is only half a year left until my birthday. On a good note: Hubs got pulled off of dairy, wheat, and sugar by his doctor - so that means it will be easier for me to eat better since there is no sugar in the house. My problem now is holding myself accountable at work since I have the freedom to go and buy whatever I want. So this morning I had cafix and a smoothie... not thrilled that its period week and Im retaining water, but baby steps. By the time I got on the elliptical last night I could only go a mile, but I still did it, and yoga yesterday and this morning and also a stretch video last night. Felt good. I am a little discouraged at my lack of progress, especially now ...

Back in the saddle..almost

So yes I've been on hiatus... sorry. Holidays and then constant family completely threw my schedule off. I have discovered how hard it is to work out at home when you have company. Also how hard it is to stick to eating well when you have company and also someone else cooking who is NOT on your diet. So I am fairly certain I gained at least 5 pounds back, maybe 10... I certainly feel like I did when I started this journey. But this past week I have been able to get at least my morning routine done... yoga and me-time, which has been nice to have again. My father in law has been staying with us for a month due to the roads being closed he hasnt been able to leave, so I have taken about a month an a half without working out and no bubble baths. I feel terribly out of sorts. Also on top of that January has been stressful at work, I havent been sleeping well and I have just been stressed out with no outlet and back to not being able to sit down until 11pm. I blieive my father in law ...


Nothing will knock you off your ass and out of your routine quite like a headcold from hell. We all got it - I had to take 3 days off work and a weekend and I still am only about 80%. So hopefully by wednesday i'll be back to normal and can do stuff.


I feel like I've taken a month off from a normal schedule. Really looking back its been close. Between travelling, holiday and family in town, being sick and then PMS... workouts have pretty much not happened. I have stuck to my yoga though, that is easy to do in the morning and Im a little addicted to my morning routine. And thankfully I have kept eating correctly so I am still on track for the most part. Its almost Christmas time... I think I've been too tired and sick to really get excited. Im excited about some gifts Im giving this year, but at this point Im just plain tired. My kids are sick too. So at this point I am going to just try to make it through the holidays with as good of attitude as I can muster. Maybe after AF leaves my disposition will improve.

Its that time of year....

When everyone gets sick.  Including yours truly. We did what was necessary to do on Saturday, like getting out Christmas tree and decorating and medicating all the while, but taking Sunday off from Church and all responsibilities to just sleep, eat and watch movies was the best decision we could have made. We all just slumped around the house, nothing got done except a few dishes... and it was GREAT. I need a few more of those days. I havent weighed myself in 2 weeks, but my clothes still fit so I think Im ok. Ive been pretty lax about working out, mainly due to being sick and on my period, but I've been trying to fit it in as I feel good.  I have been doing my yoga and scriptures and bible study every morning though, that seems to have stuck as a habit. I've decided to start setting week long goals - this week, I am going to eat vegetables for breakfast and lunch all week. So I had to take stock last night and remember this journey is not soley based on weight loss. I kee...

Im happy tomorrow is Friday

No rant today lol... excpet for the fact that i for some reason was moving really slow this morning. I think my family are all trying to get colds... and DD hit my nose hard enough a couple days ago that its swollen and slightly bruised so my face pain is i think more due to that.. .blowing your nose suuuuucks when you feel like you have a  broken nose. So its Dec 1 - 24 days until go time. I still have shopping to do, but thankfully not much. I just found the deal I've been looking for for a new comforter for DD, I bought her a duvet cover and now need to get the duvet part of it.  1) Comforter for DD 2) Dishes for mom 3) Towels for dad 4) Beer for KJ 5) Something for Sis 6) Shoes for HH? Not too shabby. And thankfully I saved up some gift cards to be able to get the kids duvet covers so it saved a bit of money :) Monday started back into good habits again.... only did a mile on the elliptical last night htough... energy levels were down due to AF and...

Another rant. Sorry again.

WTH people?? It KILLS me to see how many people double book themselves and dont know it. It is so aggravating. If you say you are going to do something, EFFING DO IT. Get a calendar, set a reminder on your phone for petes sake - USE YOUR DAMN PHONE for petes sake... you have a mini computer attached to your hip AT ALL TIMES...there is zero excuse to not use it. You really learn a lot about people by noticing their habits and I really try not to judge people right off the bat, but now being shown just how flaky people are, and honestly I am surprised about one of these people, my trust in them is waning. Dont waste my effing time and then come whining about how much help you need when you had access to the tools and the help you need but flaked out on it. One thing I have learned about myself over the years is that I just dont trust people in general, and I am starting to understand why. Rant EFFING over. I was awake at 3:45am. Why?? No idea. So I took an hour in bed and mentally rear...